Is Being Lonely Bad For you?

Is Being Lonely Bad For you?

“sadness because one has no friends or company.” This is how Oxford Dictionary defines loneliness. However, one does not have to be physically isolated to feel lonely. Isolation and Internet addiction has caused a phenomenon some call the “loneliness epidemic.” with this in mind it is critical to know the effects of loneliness on the mind and the body.

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Social isolation vs. Loneliness

Before we start, we have to make sure we make a clear distinction. Loneliness does not mean that you have no social life. having no social Interactions or not having friends is called “social isolation.” This can lead to feelings of loneliness in some people but others might not feel the same. (some people even enjoy social isolation.) One can feel lonely regardless of their level of social isolation. Have you ever felt alone at a party even though you were surrounded by people? That’s what loneliness is and you don’t have to be in solitude to feel lonely.

How does loneliness affect your health?

There have been many studies on the adverse effects of loneliness. Some studies have shown that lonely people are more at risk of depression and other kinds of psychological distress. Unfortunately, not all the side effects are mental. Loneliness can have destructive effects on your physical health as well. For example, lonely people are at higher risk of chronic diseases, higher cholesterol levels, and diabetes.

Overall, there is a trend for lonely people to have lower self-perceived health. One study even shows that loneliness can weaken the immune system. These results have been published in different journals and by several publishers. An article published by the PLOS ONE journal, analyzed 20,007 surveys to show clearly that loneliness correlates to all the aforementioned health complications and other harmful behaviors such as smoking.

Who is affected the most?

According to the study, loneliness followed a slight U-shaped distribution between the ages of 15 and 75+. This means that teenagers and elderly people are most vulnerable to loneliness. This study did not find any correlation between sex and loneliness so both sexes are equally at risk. If you live by yourself or have little to no social interactions you are at more risk of loneliness. Loneliness can be extremely detrimental to elderly individuals.

Bottom line

Yes. Loneliness is very bad for you. It can cause mental issues such as depression and higher psychological distress, as well as physical issues like high cholesterol and diabetes. Self-perceived health is lower for lonelier individuals and they also have weaker immune systems. Teens and older people are at more risk of feeling lonely and therefore need more attention.

If you know someone that is struggling with loneliness or have problems yourself, make sure to try and take action. Finding hobbies and going outside is a great way to get started. Loneliness is a serious and common issue that is causing many problems for both young and old people. If we don’t help each other out of this situation no one will.

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