Do Stronger Muscles Have Lower Reaction Times?

Do Stronger Muscles Have Lower Reaction Times?

Have you ever been to the doctor and they tap under your kneecap with the little hammer? If you train your legs hard enough can you doge the reflex hammer to show the doctor how good your reflexes really are? Jokes aside, reaction time is tied not only to muscle strength but to your cognitive abilities as well. Can you theoretically use muscle strength to deduce cognitive functions? Well, keep reading to find out.

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How Clean Should Your Blood Be?

How Clean Should Your Blood Be?

Traditionally, blood is known to be in a sterile environment. If you get any microbes in your blood you’ll have a potentially deadly septic shock, right? well, there have been studies that suggest the existence of a microbiome in a healthy person’s blood. Do vampires need to take antibiotics after each meal?

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Can Psychedelics Be Good For You?

Can Psychedelics Be Good For You?

Psychedelics get a bad rep for being “drugs” that ruin lives and destroy families. But can they be good for some people? can moderate use of psychedelics be beneficial to your health and well-being? today we look at a selection of studies that suggest psychedelics might not be the monsters we think they are.

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