Is Morality Really Declining In Society?

Is Morality Really Declining In Society?

If you ask a random person in the street if they think today’s people are more or less moral than yesterday’s, they’ll probably be slightly annoyed and ask you to leave them alone. Statistically speaking, however, most people will say that morality is decaying. Is that actually true though? Or is it just another byproduct of “THE WORLD IS ENDING” mass hysteria? (btw, the world is totally ending but not THAT fast.)

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Is Being Lonely Bad For you?

Is Being Lonely Bad For you?

“sadness because one has no friends or company.” This is how Oxford Dictionary defines loneliness. However, one does not have to be physically isolated to feel lonely. Isolation and Internet addiction has caused a phenomenon some call the “loneliness epidemic.” with this in mind it is critical to know the effects of loneliness on the mind and the body.

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What Shape Should Alcohol Glasses Be?

What Shape Should Alcohol Glasses Be?

Excessive Drinking is not good for you (Shocker!) Both for you and probably for most people around you. If you’re struggling with the bottle this recent study published in PLOS might be helpful for you. But who has the time and patience to read a whole research article? Luckily for you, I’m here to summarize the paper for you and translate the “nerd talk” into plain English.

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