Is Morality Really Declining In Society?

Is Morality Really Declining In Society?

If you ask a random person in the street if they think today’s people are more or less moral than yesterday’s, they’ll probably be slightly annoyed and ask you to leave them alone. Statistically speaking, however, most people will say that morality is decaying. Is that actually true though? Or is it just another byproduct of “THE WORLD IS ENDING” mass hysteria? (btw, the world is totally ending but not THAT fast.)

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Can AI Understand Sarcasm?

Can AI Understand Sarcasm?

Are comedians going to lose their jobs to AI? If so, how do computers know when we’re being sarcastic? Sarcasm was always a big problem for artificial intelligence both in fiction and in real life. A recent research paper published this year suggests a way that can detect sarcasm with a 90 percent accuracy.

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